At 24, all she wanted was her equal.
But, the one that was believed to co-create a love so prodigious and breathtakingly beautiful failed to meet her reasonable yet, unreachable expectations.
Thus, removing the rose-colored glasses from her eyes and forcing her to see the world for what it was and not what she wanted it to be.
At 27, all she wanted was someone to play with.
But, the one that was thought to be of little significance and serve only carnal desires proved to far exceed expectation and become something significantly sweet.
Thus, returning her to the warmth of heart by allowing her to see the love that was and not the lust she thought it would be.
Now, she just wants.
But, what she wants is caught in contradicting thoughts that pushes and pulls her like the struggling to undo a knot.
Thus, keeping her on her toes to her evolving desires while cementing the needs that never change she maintains the precarious balance of the world she has and what she knows it will be.
"But, the one that was thought to be of little significance and serve only carnal desires proved to far exceed expectation and become something significantly sweet."
loves it. I can def. relate
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